"The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous; it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men." ~ Émile Zola
It wasn't a hard decision to offer to her home. It wasn't even a question. She was homeless and needed a family to love her. An amazing women found her on the streets, scared & confused, infected with flees & ticks, and very malnourished. She picked her up and took her to her vet. Where the pup found shelter and treatment. Then 6 weeks later when she was health and happy, another good friend helped find her a home. Home with us.
Many like to tease me for my "zoo" life style. Something I have always loved. From my science classroom to my home, I live to have life around us. Also something Jordan loves greatly too. I think that is why we both still dream of building our school for foster girls and animal ranch in Montana. But I digress...
Named Reina by the Vet's nurses and meaning QUEEN in Spanish, she has come home on to RULE this kingdom. Einstein and Zorro are seeming cool with her living here. They are working out their opinions quite well. Even sharing the water bowl and basket of toys. Amazingly the older and sometime more grumpy one (Zorro) is more content with Reina than the younger baby of the family (Einstein). If it funny watching him suffer the same "let play" taunting from Reina that he use to do to Zorro years ago. His frustration and response is similar to how Zorro responded to him. Talk about ones past actions coming back to "bite you" literally.
She is a cuddler and a sweet young thing... it's great having some new bouncy puppy energy in the home. Welcome home Reina.....
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